- Overview of Sale, Purchase, Sale Return, Purchase Return and profit.
- Date filter option
- Cash Flow chart of the last 6 months
- Donut chart of Sale, Purchase and expense of the current month
- Yearly bar Chart of Sale and Purchase
- List of latest 5 Sales, Purchases, Quotation and Payments
- Top 5 best-selling products monthly & yearly
- Standard Product, Digital Product, Combo Product and Service
- Product Variants with combination between multiple variants.
- Product Batches and Expiry dates feature
- IMEI or Serial number
- Weight Scale Machine integration
- Sale or purchase a product in various product units
- Product Category
- Product Tax and Tax method (Exclusive or Inclusive)
- Indian GST ready
- Promotional Price
- Multiple image upload feature through drag and drop
- Product details with lots of customization option including uploading image
- Initial stock and automatic purchase
- Alert quantity and Daily Sale Objective
- Add, edit, delete & view products and categories
- Import by product and category from CSV
- Print Barcodes
- Add, edit, delete & view purchases
- Date choosing option for previous purchases
- Set batches and expiry dates
- Set order discount
- Set order tax
- Set shipping cost
- Currency conversion between multiple currencies
- Unit conversion between multiple product units
- Attach document
- Multiple Payments for a specific purchase (add, edit, delete)
- Take payment with cash, cheque
- Receive Payments online with Stripe
- Import purchase from the CSV file
- Purchase return
- Add, edit, delete & view sales
- Date choosing option for previous sales
- Set order discount
- Set order tax both percentage and flat basis
- Set shipping cost
- Coupon code and discount
- Currency conversion between multiple currencies
- Unit conversion between multiple product units
- Attach document
- Multiple Payments for a specific sale (add, edit, delete)
- Take payment with cash, cheque, reward points and gift card
- Receive Payments online with Stripe and PayPal
- Import sale from the CSV file
- A4 and thermal invoice
- Mail notification to customer with sale details
- Sales return
- Mail notification to customer with sale return details
- Add, edit, delete & view deliveries of sale
- User oriented design, touchscreen friendly
- Suspend sales, print order & bill
- Draft/Hold sale
- Create customer
- Filter products by category and brand
- Display of featured products
- Add product to order table by clicking on the image of featured products
- Set order discount
- Set order tax both percentage and flat basis
- Set shipping cost
- Coupon code and discount
- Currency conversion between multiple currencies
- Unit conversion between multiple product units
- Can show bill screen to customers
- Accept multiple payments (cash, cheque, gift card, reward points, Stripe and PayPal)
- Add sale, payment & staff notes
- Edit and delete recent sales (last 10)
- Quick cash facility
- Open and close cash register
- Today sale report
- Today’s profit report
- Add, edit, delete and view expense categories.
- Add, edit, delete and view expenses.
- Add, edit, delete & view quotation
- Set order discount, order tax and shipping cost
- Attach document
- Add sale from quotation
- Add purchase from quotation
- Mail notification to customer with quotation details
Stock Transfer
- Transfer products between multiple warehouses
- Add, edit, delete & view transfers with status
- Set shipping cost
- Attach Document
- Import by CSV
Stock Count and Adjustment
- Create Stock count to count physical stock
- Compare physical stock and software stock
- Create adjustment from the counted stock if any difference found
- Create manual adjustment to adjust the stock
- Add bank account
- Money transfer between bank accounts
- Account statement
- Balance sheet
- Relate bank account with transaction and payments
- Add/view/edit/delete department
- Add/view/edit/delete employee
- Payroll
- Employee attendance
- Holiday application
- Add, edit, delete & view users and assign roles
- Add, edit, delete & view customers
- Add, edit, delete & view billers
- Add, edit, delete & view suppliers
- Make a person both supplier and customer
- Create user account for customer
- Money deposit facility for customers
- Mail notification to user email with user/pass
- Import customers, billers, suppliers by CSV
- Summary Report of all transactions warehouse wise
- Profit/loss report based on average COGS (cost of goods sold).
- Best seller chart of last 3 months
- Product report with all transaction’s summary
- Daily sale report
- Monthly sale report
- Daily purchase report
- Monthly purchase report
- Product wise sale report with date filter
- Product wise purchase report with date filter
- Payment report
- Customer report with all transaction details
- Customer due report
- Supplier report with all transaction details
- Supplier due report
- Sale report chart with lots of filtering options
- Warehouse report with all transaction details
- Warehouse stock chart
- Product Expiry report
- Alert quantity report
- Daily sale objective report
- User report with all transaction details
- Edit Logo, Site title
- Change POS settings
- Edit user profile, change password
- Create roles for users
- Cash register
- Add, edit, delete & view customer groups
- Add, edit, delete & view warehouses
- Add, edit, delete & view Tax rates
- Add, edit, delete & view brands
- Add, edit, delete & view units
- Add, edit, delete & view currencies
- Add, edit, delete & view custom fields
- Add, edit, delete & view discount plan and discounts
- Table Management
- Role permission
- SMS with Twilio and Clickatell
- General setting
- POS setting
- HRM setting
- Reward point setting
- Backup Database
- Multilingual (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Hindi, Chinese, Lao, Dutch. More will be added soon)
- Automatic purchase feature if a product exceeds alert quantity
- Send notification/message between user accounts
- Full screen option
- Dark mode and Light mode
- Table sorting (column wise)
- Column visibility control
- Export table contents to CSV, PDF or Print (chosen columns)